CO2 Monitoring
in scHools for digitAl aNd Green compEtences

CHANGE aims at developing a STEM pathway centered on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in schools of Bulgaria, Italy, Romania and Spain. The didactic material consists of a theoretical section on IAQ and climate changes, a practical section on the assembly of open-source CO2 monitoring stations and their usage for experiments and continuous monitoring.
The Pathway
The proposed didactic pathway deals with different topics and activities, grouped in four specific and dedicated sections

Climate changes, Outdoor and Indoor Air Quality, electronics for makers, CO2 measurement techniques and devices

Assembly of the CO2 monitoring stations, set-up and programming (Linux, Python), web-interface management

Experiments: ventilation, plants and photosynthesis, sparkling water, chemical reactions

Brainstorming, continuous CO2 monitoring, data collection and processing, working groups based on students' interests, production of reports
Join the CHANGE World
Connect your school to the CHANGE network: enjoy and customize STEM educational pathways focused on indoor CO2 monitoring (and more...)
Learn about our Didactic Activities
Explore the mandatory and optional educational modules (presentations, videos, tutorials, etc....).
Build and use a monitoring station in your classroom.
Let the students realize experiments and CO2 monitorings in spaces of their daily life.
Share the results with the community
Be part of the open data and scientific community with your CO2 monitoring data.
Want to know more about the project?
directly involved in the lessons
partecipating in the events in 6 countries
active daily monitoring CO2
and researchers involved, from 45 classes
Public events
led by students around the world
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Stay updated on the world of CHANGE: news, events and stories from the schools involved in the project.
CHANGE Main Features
Low Cost CO2 Monitoring Station
Main elements (single board computer and NDIR CO2, T and RH% sensor) + accessories (power supply, screws, cables, 3D printed support)
Total cost: <150 Eur
Easy Deployment Kit
Build the monitoring station in less than 10' following the tutorials and get ready to configure the WiFi connection and start the experiments and measurements.
Open Source
Software and Hardware are developed following the Open Source principles.
Modular Infrastructure
You can easily customize your station, integrating additional modules (e.g. sensors,...), components (e.g. leds, buttons,...), replacing the CO2 sensor or the mechanical support.
Client - Server Architecture
The acquisition software, written in easy-to-understand and modify Python, establish a data flow the station to a remote server.
Light Web-App
The data are visualized on a HTML + CSS + JS application. The code is written and commented in order to be easily analyzed by students and teachers.
Data Verification
Users can easily annotate the events occurring during the data acquisition in order to increase the data reliability, their verification and sharing.
Cloud Storage
Verified data will be available on a Open Source repository manager so being accessible all over the web.