CHANGE: conclusion of a European journey through Science, Education, and Air Quality
After two years, the Erasmus+ CHANGE project concludes with numbers that tell a long story: 60,000 hours of carbon dioxide monitoring with over 60 assembled monitoring stations, 750 students involved in Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, and Romania (466 in the project's partner schools) across 12 schools, 65 trained teachers (16 in partner schools), and 15 passionate researchers.
Behind these numbers lies much more: the story of young European citizens who acquired STEM skills through an innovative educational pathway focused on indoor air quality. Students first explored theoretical aspects related to the environment, climate change, CO2, and air quality, before delving into the fields of chemistry and electronics. This theoretical foundation was transformed into practical skills during the assembly and programming phase of the monitoring stations. Subsequently, the students planned and conducted experiments and analyzed the collected data, an experience that made science real and tangible. What is the quality of air and ventilation in school classrooms? What are the best habits to make the spaces we live in healthier and more comfortable?
The program was coordinated by PROAMBIENTE, a laboratory at Tecnopolo Bologna CNR, in collaboration with CNR-IMM and the Dario Nobili Library at CNR in Bologna, along with all the partner schools. It led to the creation of multilingual educational materials for CHANGE (video lessons, tutorials, manuals, etc.), available for free use upon request on the project website.
PROAMBIENTE develops measurement systems and integrated platforms for acquiring and processing environmental data. For the CHANGE project, they implemented a low-cost educational kit that is easy to assemble, based on commercial open-source electronic devices, and includes recycled plastic supports, choices that merge environmental sustainability with accessibility. Students learned to assemble these CO2, temperature, and humidity monitoring systems, manage sensor communication, use the web interface, conduct monitoring experiments, and analyze the collected data.
CHANGE has built bridges between European schools, fostering international collaboration and strengthening multidisciplinary skills. The project included 5 training sessions for teachers, accredited on the Italian Ministry of Education’s S.O.F.I.A. digital platform, and its main results were presented by researchers at five scientific events, creating valuable opportunities for exchange. Students became ambassadors for the initiative in their communities, sharing results and experiences at 15 public events, such as the Researchers’ Night celebrated across Europe every year at the end of September.
The data collected in European classrooms will be published as open data, allowing the scientific community and citizens to benefit from this significant effort. This valuable outcome demonstrates how collaboration among schools, researchers, and institutions can generate a real impact on society.
Don’t miss the project’s final video to discover all the details of this extraordinary journey into educational innovation and active citizenship!
> Watch the project's final video